so do you ever have those little nudges? ... to go down this street instead of the other one? or go to this store instead of the other one? just little things that seem so simple but end up making a difference in your day.... or someone elses?
The other day on the way home from work I felt a littl enudge to get off at a certain exit... so i did. And at the bottm of the exit is a homeless man with a sign that sad "Anything is a blessing."
I felt for him and so as I was turning I had all these whirlwinds of thoughts!....
- go to mcds and get your lunch and share it with him
- i dont want to just give him food I want him to know that Jesus is why I have compassion for him
- how i used to carry snackwells breakfast bars in my car for occassions such as this but didnt have them anymore.
- then the idea hit me that I could print out little notes to go ON the snackwells bars so when I gave it to them even if i didn't have a chance to talk to them.... the note could speak to them for me!
SO.... i pulled into mcds and got some food.... whizzed back around to where he was and pulled over and got his attention and he came over and said "thank you"... and i mustered up "no problem"... he looked so sad it surprised me and "no proplem" was all that came out. i am brainstorming about this idea... the note for the homeless on food we can keep in our cars at all times for the purpose of giving it to them when we see them. A note with a bible verse, a prayer for them, the Gospel msg, etc!
What do you think?